About Us
Boise Heights formed a steering committee in the mid 1980s to deal with development impacts from the nearby Hulls Gulch development on Somerset Ridge and the Orida developments. Early leaders were Al and Barbara Derby, Glenn Compton, Bob Vestal, David Lombardi and Glen and Carol Weyhrich. We became a neighborhood association (N.A.) registered with Boise City and an Idaho non-profit corporation in 1994.
Boise Heights Neighborhood Association (BHNA) works on neighborhood-wide projects that foster community welfare, friendliness, and safety. Periodically we work with City agencies and the Ada County Highway District to recommend policy or correct potential adverse impacts. We do not involve ourselves in disputes between neighbors and always encourage private disputes to be mediated by the involved parties.
BHNA Accomplishments
- protection of open space and development of a public park in the bowl area between Claremont and Montclair Drives; this Boise Hills Park acreage was purchased in 2004 while the remaining hillsides may be donated to the City at some point. All hillside areas are classified Permanent Open Space.
- leadership on the Master Plan for Boise Hills Park & grants to complete its features
- spearheaded over $10,000 in donations for Park trees
- we work to maintain safe local traffic circulation on our narrow roads; this means that no through roads can be built at the west end of Claremont and Montclair Drives into Somerset Ridge areas. Those are Emergency Access connections.
- helped maintain Ada County emergency response at 17th & Ridenbaugh Streets as we worked on the abandonment of the old Fire Station #2 in the 1990s. The station moved to Cartwright Road, lengthening emergency responder time to our neighbors.
- education on urban-wildland fire threats and FireWise landscaping practices
- goathead (puncture vine) & noxious weed education – volunteer opportunities to pitch in!
- yard waste free chipper service, as funding allows
- annual trail clean up days each April
- Boise City Neighborhood Reinvestment or Capital Grants + one Ada County Highway District grant, including:
- two sections of sidewalk on West Crestline; another sidewalk section on East Crestline; and sidewalk repairs (1998, 2007, 2008)
- neighborhood welcome monument and lighting (2007)
- street lights (1995)
- three grants for Boise Hills Park (2010, 2011, 2012), for playground equipment, musical experience equipment, a naturalized children’s play area, shelter and concrete paving, the Kristen Armstrong Kids Mountain Bike Trail; all utility stub-ins, trees and turf for park entrance
- 2022-23 placemaking Neighborhood Identity Signs
- 2023 Entry Beautification - Hillside Restoration, West Crestline Drive
Currently BHNA has no dues but we periodically raise funds through voluntary donations in order to pay for outreach materials, project supplies or legal services in connection with development issues.
We meet quarterly, or as needed. Everyone is welcome to attend!
And, you do not need to be a board member to lead a project or join a Committee such as Trails or Weed Crew-Goathead Removal -– talk to us! Email: boiseheightsna@gmail.com
EMAILS - Get The News!
BHNA maintains neighborhood email communications solely for neighborhood-wide opportunities. It is easier to communicate with families this way. We do not share or sell anyone’s email. Please participate by sending your email to Terri Muse at tlmusejd@gmail.com
Boise Heights has a webpage where you can find news and read the minutes from board meetings:
Don Essig (2024-2026)
615 E. Crestline
(208) 381-0359
Committee: Grants
Vice President/Secretary
Jane Buckthal (2025-2027)
2115 Claremont
(208) 870-4374
Committees: Goat Heads/Noxious Weeds
Jim and Jean Giuffre (2023-2025)
352 N. Panorama Place
(208) 870-1978
Co-chair: Events – Jean
Committees: Trails, 2024 Annual Meeting – Jim
Past President
Kay Hummel (2025-2027)
420 E. Crestline
(208) 631-7704
Chair: ACHD Traffic Safety
Committees: Noxious Weeds, Grants
Board Members
Mallory Clark (2023-2025)
102 E. Crestline
(208) 949-0163
Committee: Speeding
Maria Essig (2024-2026)
615 E. Crestline
(208) 381-0359
Committees: Goat Heads/Noxious Weeds, Trails,
2024 Annual Meeting
Jeff Fereday (2025-2027)
420 E. Crestline
(208) 484-0256
Chair: Trails Committee
Committee: Goat Heads/Noxious Weeds
Stacy Seyb and Jane Williamson (2025-2027)
1415 Promontory
(208) 585-1194 (Jane)
Committee: Grants; Spring Clean-Up, Jane
Bruce and Mindy Harrold (2024-2026)
1612 N Ridgecliff Drive.
208-870-2538 (Mindy)
Committee: 2024 Annual Meeting
Other Contacts
Susan Abdo
801 E. Crestline
(208) 484-7375
Committee: Firewise
Terri Muse
1905 N. Montclair Drive
(208) 863-5394
Committee: Firewise
Adrian Pfisterer
414 Summit Ridge Rd
(208) 484-2302
Chair: Goat Heads/Noxious Weeds